
SDPGA is a new forum started for the medicos who are in TN government service under the Directorates of Medical Education,Medical & Rural and Public Health services. The forum is started by the socially conscious likeminded government doctors who are known for their integrity and straight forwardness. They were part of TNGDA who had occupied several posts both at district and state level felt the need to part and to start a new forum to address the genuine grievances of the government doctors.

The insensitve approach of TNGDA towards handling various issues consistently such as:

about-sdpgaThe preparation of panel for promotion counselling of senior doctors was not followed in a uniform method for various specialities. The promotion counselling was not conducted in a stipulated date every year that in turn affected the vacancy positions for the subsequent transfer counselling for the juniors. Coming to service PGs, everytime they suffer to get their stipend on time.This issue has been neglected. Moreover this year march 2015 10A1 counselling was scheduled without service PGs counselling. As TNGDA did not pay attention,service PGs themselves took extreme hardship to get their counselling conducted before 10A1 candidates. Instead of helping them, the state TNGDA removed the voting rights of service PGs in an undemocratic manner for their political survival. When the above issues were raised for the benefit of the members, they ignored and supressed the facts. Never before in the history, for the fear of facing the elections they autocratically expelled both the Chennai district secretary and treasurer who enjoyed good reputation for their selfless association activities.Lastly in Thiruvarur HUD,when the BMO was tranferred in a VHN issue,TNGDA acted in a lethargic manner that created a havoc among the PHC medical officers across the state.

There is a general feeling that the government doctors community by and large right from the senior to junior doctors are unrepresented. As there is no democracy,responsibility and accountabilty in TNGDA, there is a necessity to float an alternative platform…… SDPGA to represent the issues. Its Time’s call.


  • Unity
  • Dignity
  • Prosperity


  • Democracy
  • Accountability
  • Responsibility


  • To promote welfare of the doctors in TN government service including service post graduates.
  • To act as a professional think tank to facilitate Government in planning health policies and in implementation of health programmes.
  • To create and to propagate health awareness among the public.


  • Easy access of information via social networking.
  • Online registration for membership.
  • Decentralisation of Execution. No monopoly.
  • Separate Secretaries for DPH,DMS,DME wings.
  • State level post for service Post Graduates.
  • State level post for woman.
  • Maximum of Two terms for President and Secretary posts.
  • General poll for President and Secretary.
  • Quarterly News Letters.