Message from President ( Jan 2016)

It’s not even one complete year since SDPGA was formed. But sdpga has been in the forefront of every issue.We have achieved tremendous success on various fronts.

I specially appreciate our office bearers, our core members, our senior members, all our state EC members, organising committee members and every SDPGA member, and our potential members.

Despite various success stories the MRB walk in interview  has become as a contentious issue. By our intervention we stopped the gross violation in the middle of the process. But there is no dispute in the fact that the appointment of MRB candidates straight into DME side showed unprecedented haste, throwing to the wind all norms.

It is obviously difficult to believe that the appointing agency i.e the MRB people were unaware of the fact that many of our service candidates and service seniors with the same qualification were denied entry in to DME side citing lack of vacancies.

Ignorance or lack of coordination between various directorates cannot be a ground for justifying these gross violation. Whatever be the reason there is only one remedy, ie cancel their appointments and rectify the violations.

It is our humble opinion that the Govt has got many important task in hand
-Give statutory status to MRB
-Regularise MRB candidates
-Conduct exams for MRB and 10 a1 candidates

These unfinished works are priority issues having a bearing on the future of thousands of already recruited doctors
Doctors stood with the government in dengue and flood relief. We stood as a single unit and demonstrated our commitment.

People feared many things might happen. We as govt servants worked and proved the worst critics wrong.
Many are anguished and disappointed. They are asking for themselves if this is the prize for all their commitment. Definitely we deserve a better treatment.

In DMS side also the counselling had many pitfalls.

To ensure justice is SDPGA’s duty. We will be in the forefront to persuade the government to rectify things.
We are taking certain steps to brief and convince the authorities. On the need for necessary remedies including a nodal authority for all transfers and promotions.

We hope the government will not let us down.

You can trust SDPGA.

With regards
Dr Lakshmi narasimhan,
President SDPGA ,
On behalf of state EC.